Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

Don’t Take Infrastructure for Granted – Fred Coombe

Kudos to Fred Coombe, who is involved with the MacArthur Boulevard Association, for his guest column in the SJ-R today.

Fred writes:

As Americans, we take for granted our public infrastructure and the workers that maintain these systems. Our infrastructure is among the most reliable in the world… We are the fortunate beneficiaries of a public infrastructure system that is the largest and most important asset of our nation’s wealth… a great sacrifice of our ancestors who dug deep into their pockets to fund the projects.

As the beneficiaries of this wealth, we must assume the responsibility to preserve our public infrastructure system for generations to come. We are at a critical stage where aged systems, some 100 years or older, are in need of repair or replacement. Funds are scarce due the increasing demand for human services. We need to be reminded that our infrastructure is the most basic of human services, providing energy for heat, clean water for consumption and wastewater transport and treatment to prevent spread of deadly diseases. Although these services are delivered to every citizen of our community, more needs to be done to improve roads and utilities in under-served areas and to repair systems that are showing their age.

It sometimes takes bold steps by our public officials to challenge the community to support public infrastructure projects because of opposition to tax or rate increases.

Although not gold-plated building projects, these improvements are necessary to guarantee the basic services needed by Springfield area residents. We should applaud our local officials for having the foresight to preserve and upgrade our infrastructure which provides for our basic needs.

At ICON, we couldn’t agree more, and we support efforts fund the infrastructure maintenance and improvements.

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