Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

ICON Annual 2019 Party – PechaKucha Presentations

What is PechaKucha?

PechaKucha (pu-CHÁ-ku-CHA) is a fast-paced presentation format that highlights visual images with accompanying commentary. Presentation images are displayed for only 20 seconds each and automatically change. Presenters need to be organized, concise and match their remarks to their pictures to get their message across.

PechaKucha means “chit chat” in Japanese. This creative outlet began as nighttime get-togethers in Tokyo in 2003 by two renowned architects. Since then, three million people have attended PechaKucha events worldwide.

PechaKucha authorised cityThe 20×20 presentation format displays 20 images, each for 20 seconds, so each presentation is completed in 400 seconds — 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

The theme of ICON’s PechaKucha presentations is Springfield 2020 and Beyond. We are grateful that our presenters were willing to share their vision for the future of Springfield!

PechaKucha Presentations

Jill Steiner: Healthy Neighborhoods for All

Chris Richmond: Pillsbury Past, Present, and Future

Mary Frances: Ecotourism in Springfield, Illinois

John Shafer: Some Ideas for Downtown

Carol Kneedler: ICON 2020 & Beyond

Read about the ICON Good Neighbor Award Winners…