Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

Boarded property

Cumulative registration fees and down zoning for boarded properties (Springfield)

 § 170.17.51.  Purpose. The purpose of this division is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by establishing a process for the registration of certain vacant buildings. Responsible parties will be required to implement a maintenance plan for such buildings to remedy any existing public code violations and to prevent deterioration, unsightly blight, and consequent adverse impact on the value of nearby property.

 § 170.17.56.  Registration permit required. The owner of a vacant building containing two or more Code violations shall obtain a registration permit.

§ 170.17.58.  Registration permit; expiration and fees. The registration fee for the first year for each building shall be $2000. The initial registration shall be valid for a period of twelve months. The registration fee is due at the time of the application for the registration permit. If at the end of the first registration period, the owner has not requested an inspection to verify that all of the violations have been corrected, the owner shall pay an addition $4000 fee for a second twelve month period. If at the end of the second twelve month period the owner has not requested an inspection to verify that all of the violations have been corrected, the owner shall pay an additional $6000 for the next twelve month period. If, after the first twenty four months of registration, the violations have not been corrected, the property will be down zoned to single family zoning. If at any time the owner request an inspection and the violations have been corrected, the property will be taken off the property registration list and a prorated amount of the registration fee will be reimbursed for the number of months remaining in the registration period in question. After three years of being boarded the city will initiate forclosure proceedings to acquire the property.