To ICON Members and Participants A reminder our August ICON meeting will be held next Monday the 29th at First Church of the Brethren 7 p.m. (Yale and Ash).
We will continue our discussion of the current waste pickup program and get an update on the status of the problem property ordinance. There was a lot of excitement earlier this month regarding the inspection of MacArthur Park Apartments. It was our new Corporate Counsel’s first effort to start to clean up the neighborhoods.
The following is part of the e-mail I sent him on behalf of ICON You certainly know how to make a “hell of a entrance” when you take on a new job! On behalf of the ICON Coalition, I want to thank you for your proactive, hands on approach to addressing the problems at the MacArthur Park Apartments. The team of city inspectors, police, fire, and legal staff is an example of the type of coordinated effort used in other cities around the country which has proven successful in reducing, if not eliminating, property that creates a blight on our neighborhoods.
The mayor and council are also addressing the issue of forming a MacArthur Boulevard TIF District, another important step in bringing about positive changes to our neighborhoods. With the support of the five aldermen who have actively participated in the ICON movement, I hope we will soon have an ordinance to increase fines and establish definite time lines on how long a problem is allowed to exist. Remember, we need to attend the Council meetings to stay on top of issues related to the neighborhoods.
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