Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

ICON Members-Only Meeting: September 26, 2022, 6pm, ONLINE via Zoom

This is a members-only meeting. The Zoom link is in the email sent to members.

Meeting Agenda

On Monday September 26, ICON membership will vote on Steering Committee officers to replace two recent resignations. 

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. ICON Annual Meeting – Mark Your Calendars!
    • Monday, November 28: IN PERSON Annual Meeting!
  3. Good Neighbor Awards
    • Bring your Nominations by Oct. 30.
    • Categories: Public Service. Business, Organization, and Individual.
  4. Add ICON Members: Recruit! Engage others!
  5. Finalize New Officer Slate (see details below)
  6. 2023 City Elections: Aldermanic Forum? Or, Mayoral Forum?
  7. ICON legal status: considering a possible change.
  8. New Business, Old Business

Election at Annual Meeting in November

At the ICON Annual Meeting in November 28, an updated slate of officers to take effect January 1, 2023 will be voted on. That slate will be announced by email at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting.

ICON by-laws

Any vacancy occurring among the Steering Committee of SPRINGFIELD ICON PAC prior to the end of their terms shall be filled by a plurality vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The term filled by any vacancy shall expire at the next general election of the Steering Committee. However, should the Chairperson vacate that position, the Vice-Chair shall fill the position for the remainder of the Chairperson’s term and a new Vice-Chair shall be elected at the next regularly scheduled meeting.