Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

ICON Monthly Meeting Monday, March 25 CANCELLED


To Our monthly meeting will be held Monday, March 25th, 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Brethren (Yale and Ash). We are at the half way point in working with this administration and City Council. We’ve had success with some of the ordinances we supported (boarded properties) but some setbacks (garbage collection).

As we head toward the 2015 mayoral and aldermanic elections, we need to refine our goals and priorities for the next two years. Monday’s meeting will be a working session to review the expansion of ICON’s committee structure to help increase membership numbers and participation.

We also need to initiated an outreach program to join with other associations and groups with common problems and goals. We believe this effort is critical to enhancing our citywide visibility and influence. As part of that effort Polly Poskin and I met with the Community Input Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. We discussed a wide range of issues which we will share with you at the meeting.

Jen Dillman, president of the renamed MacArthur Boulevard Association, has indicated she would like our two associations to work more closely together. In addition the Springfield Bicycle Advisory Council has asked our support for the SATS Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (refer to website) and a citizens group protesting the construction of a cell tower on Pasfield Golf course is looking for us to get involved.

We are in a much better position to bring about changes to our neighborhoods in the next two years than we were when we started, especially if we join with other groups and neighborhood associations.

We need your input. Please join us Monday night. Come ready to build a stronger organization with clearly articulated goals.

Steve, 494 6668


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