Household Hazardous Waste Collection for Springfield Residents April 12
Location: Illinois State Fairgrounds. Enter at Gate 11.
Time: 8am- Noon. If you are in line outside of the gates at noon, you will be unable to enter and drop-off your items.
This collection is open to City of Springfield residents ONLY!
YOU MUST BRING proof of residency, i.e. Driver’s License and CWLP bill.
Please label the waste containers.
Residents will remain in their vehicles during the collection process.
Acceptable Waste:
- Paint Aerosols
- Sealers and Adhesives
- Solvents
- Antifreeze
- Used Motor Oil
- Pesticides Solids
- Pesticide Liquids
- Pesticide Aerosols
- Oil Based Paint
Unacceptable Items:
- Agricultural chemicals
- Propane Tanks
- Business/commercial sector wastes
- Smoke detectors
- Explosives
- Farm machinery oil
- Fireworks
- Fire extinguishers
- Lead Acid Batteries
- Institutional Wastes
- Medical Wastes
- Sharps, needles and potentially infectious medical wastes
If you any questions, please call the Office of Public Works at 217.789.2255.
Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 26, 10am to 2pm, Lincoln Park
Join ICON at Earth Day – we’re giving away a $50 gift certificate to the Bike Doctor!
Spring Yard Waste 2014
Resident Drop Off – April 14th through May 2nd.
Residents of the City of Springfield can begin dropping bagged or loose yard waste at Evans Recycling at 2100 J. David Jones Parkway. Evans Recycling is open from 7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday and from 7 AM until 12 noon on Saturday. Residents should be prepared to show proof of residency if requested.
Curbside Pick Up – April 14th through May 2nd
Public Works crews will begin picking up yard waste placed curbside on Monday, April 14th and end collection on Friday, May 2. Crews will attempt to move through each neighborhood weekly depending on work load.
In order for residents to take advantage of the once per week collection, they should place leaves in paper yard waste bags or cans marked “YARD WASTE” at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday of each week. Please do not remove the bagged leaves or cans from the curb once you place them there.
Bags or cans should be placed at the end of driveways or on parkways between the sidewalk and street. Leaves should be placed in paper yard waste bags—not grocery sacks or boxes. Please do not use any type of tape on the bag to seal it shut as the tape is not recyclable. Plastic bags are not accepted because they cannot be recycled.
Waste cans are acceptable, but they should not weigh more than 60 pounds and must be marked “Yard Waste” in letters large enough to be seen from the street by the drivers. Yard waste bags or cans that are too heavy or contain trash or other inappropriate materials will be left. Bags containing grass are not part of the program and will require a sticker for pick up; they will not be picked up until after the City’s spring leaf collection program is completed on May 3.
Sweetgum Balls
Residents can place collected sweetgum balls in yard waste bags, drop off at Evans Recycling, or put into their trash cans for pick up on regular trash days.
Resident Drop Off – Year Round Weather Permitting
Residents may drop off branches at Evans Recycling with proof of residency. This service is not for commercial operators but for residents only.
Curbside Pick Up – May through November
Public Works crews will begin picking up branches placed on the curb no larger than approximately a pick up load. Roughly 4 foot in depth and 10 feet in length piles are acceptable. The program is for branches only no trees will be accepted nor will branches or trees trimmed by commercial contractors. A schedule will be announced and provided to the State Journal- Register as well as posted on the City website,, and Channel 18.
Should resident have any questions please contact: Public Works at 789-2255 or Evans Recycling at 391-0886.
Herb Plant Sale and Plastic Pot Recycling
Master Gardener volunteers of University of Illinois Extension Menard and Sangamon counties will hold an “Herb Plant Sale and Plastic Pot Recycling” on Saturday, May 3, from 8 am to Noon. The event will be held in conjunction with Springfield Civic Garden Club Plant Sale at TechTown, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield.
A variety of herbs will be offered including: Basil, Curly and Flat Leaf Parsley, six varieties of Thyme, eight varieties of Scented Geranium, Rosemary, lavender, salad burnet, summer savory and 4 varieties of Sage. Plants will be priced from $3 to $7. Garden gloves and soil knives will also be available for purchase.
Plastic Pot recycling —bring your clean cell packs, trays, plastic pots. Containers will be reused or recycled. Questions call (217) 782-4617.
Rain Barrel Program
One way to reduce outdoor water usage and conserve water is to collect rainwater. A rain barrel is a system that collects and stores rainwater. A typical ½ inch rainfall will fill a 55 gallon barrel. It is estimated that a 55 gallon rain barrel can save about 1,300 gallons of water during the summer. The water can then be used during dry periods to water plants.
The University of Illinois Extension Logan-Menard-Sangamon Unit will offer “The Use of Rain Barrels” program on Tuesday, May 20, from 6 to 7 pm at the U of I Extension building located at 700 South Airport Drive, Springfield. Register to attend a Rain Barrel presentation and order a rain barrel, by visiting the Unit’s website at or call (217) 782-4617.
Selection of rain barrel can be made at time of ordering. These 55 gallon food quality high density poly ethylene barrels are available in blue, gray, terracotta and black. CWLP customers may be eligible for a $25 rebate.