Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

ICON Members Win Aldermanic Seats

The ICON PAC is pleased and proud to announce that four of its dues paying members have been elected to serve on the Springfield City Council for the next four years. Doris Turner (Ward 3), Sam Cahnman (Ward 5), Cory Jobe (Ward 6), and Joe McMenamin (Ward 7), have all been active participants in reviewing and discussing solutions to problems of the inner city older neighborhoods. Gail Simpson (Ward 2), who was unopposed in the recent election, has also been involved with the ICON program from day one.

ICON, formed in March of 2010, has been reviewing nine common problems identified by 11 neighborhood associations at their first meeting. Since then, over 70 different individuals representing 20 associations have participated in the monthly meetings. An Ordinance Review Committee has been preparing recommendations to present to the City Council that will enact stronger language or new ordinances to eliminate the blighted conditions in the older neighborhoods.

With the help of these five aldermen, ICON hopes to get the unanimous support of the Council to revitalize the older neighborhoods and thereby enhance the image, safety, and quality of life for the entire city.

ICON will also seek the continued input of those candidates who were not elected but have attended our meetings and expressed interest in our common issues, including ICON members Sheila Stocks-Smith and Michael Higgins.