On Tuesday, July 5, the Springfield City Council approved changes to the City’s garbage ordinance that should improve garbage service in Springfield and help clean up all neighborhoods. We thank Mayor Langfelder and the City Council for working with all stakeholders to craft ordinance changes that work toward a cleaner city.
The most important aspects from ICON’s perspective include:
- Garbage violators assigned a hauler & charged on their CWLP bill
- All recyclables picked up curbside
- Solid waste in alleys collected by haulers
- Haulers reporting fly dumping and no-service locations
- Increase to the City’s Waste Disposal fee to cover expenses of services provided by the city.
Read details of the changes on our garbage page…
Icon voted in the fall of 2015 against any increase in refuse hauling fees without improvements to clean up the city.
Read an update to our garbage agenda…
As of the afternoon of the final City Council vote on July 5, ICON is still in the dark about the details of the proposed amendments to the “shell bill” 2016-223, particularly the Mayor’s amendment #2, which specifies the 1,500 garbage violators being assigned a hauler and put on CWLP billing. That amendment was passed for debate and final passage at the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 28, although no citizen has seen what it contains.
While we are in favor of garbage reform, we also are very much in favor of open government and citizen participation.
Shell bills and votes on ordinances that haven’t seen the light of day don’t reflect ICON’s definition of transparency.