Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

ICON at Earth Day Springfield on Saturday, April 26

Join Springfield ICON at Earth Day on Saturday, April 26 from 10am to 2pm!

Springfield’s Annual Earth Day Celebration  is a ZERO WASTE event at Lincoln Park.  Bring the family and enjoy food, music and local earth-friendly vendors.  Find out about environmental initiatives taking place right here in Springfield!

Earth Day Springfield - coming together to make a difference
Earth Day Springfield – coming together to make a difference


Outreach Chair and Secretary Marty Vandiver and ICON Chair Carol Kneedler
Outreach Chair and Secretary Marty Vandiver and ICON Chair Carol Kneedler


ICON's new banner
ICON’s new banner


ICON at Earth Day 2014
Enos Park – good neighbors!


Refashioned fridges with earth-friendly messages.
Refashioned fridges with earth-friendly messages.