Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

Pizza Party

To ICON Members and Participants

We will hold our ICON meeting one week early on Monday, October 24th because of Halloween. We’re also starting a half hour earlier at 6:30 p.m. to have pizza and celebrate the Council’s support to increase fines and set limits on boarded properties. We appreciate the support of aldermen Edwards, Lesko, Theilen, and Griffin, as well as Gail, Doris, Cory, and Sam who have actively participated in our ICON meetings and discussions over the last year. In addition, Mark Cullen, Corporation Counsel, will join us to review some of the city’s efforts to help eliminate blight and other problems common to the older neighborhoods.

Monday is also the day IDOT and FRA are hosting the open house at the Prairie Capital Convention Center (lower level) from 4 to 7 p.m. for public input regarding the potential route alternatives for high-speed rail service from Chicago to St. Louis. Drop by there after work, give them a piece of your mind, then come to the First Church of the Brethren at Yale and Ash and have pizza with your friends.

See you then!


494 6668

PS Please send me a “I’ll be there!” e-mail, so we know how much pizza to order.