Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

Springfield ICON: Oppose change to Large Scale Development planning

The Springfield ICON Steering Committee wants you to know you can do something TODAY to limit urban sprawl, to support city planning, and to avoid having your city taxes spread over an even-larger area, which reduces funds for existing neighborhoods for infrastructure, police, fire, leaf & branch pickup, and snow removal.

Tonight, on May 16, the Springfield City Council will debate an extreme increase in the size of “Large Scale Developments”. Large Scale Developments currently undergo an efficient planning process. That process includes a public meeting with every entity involved in approval of developments. Then the development goes to the City Council for approval. This allows the public and aldermen to have input into larger developments that may negatively affect neighborhoods & property values – and to speak against the urban sprawl that stretches an already-tight city budget across more area long into the future.

This change would allow much larger developments to avoid coordinated planning and oversight by aldermen and by the public. 
PLEASE call or email your alderman BEFORE the city council meeting on Tuesday May 16 to voice your opposition to this  change.
“I oppose increasing the size definition of Large Scale Developments.”

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(12 mb .pdf – click + to zoom in and read streets)

Read the SJ-R article on this ordinance…