As of the October 25th meeting the ICON Coalition is now the Springfield ICON PAC. Michelle Higginbotham (Enos Park) made the motion to except the Springfield ICON PAC by-laws which was seconded by Carol Kneedler (MBBA) and unanimously approved by 29 representatives from 15 neighborhood associations. With the addition of five new participants at the October meeting, ICON has now had 49 individuals representing 20 neighborhoods from six wards participate in this movement to find six votes on the Springfield City Council for neighborhood revitalization.
After the vote a temporary Steering Committee was established, as called for in the by-laws, to set up a date, time, and place to hold an election of officers of the Springfield ICON PAC. Initial Committee members include Higginbotham-Enos Park, Castor-Vinegar Hill, Schuering-Harrison Park, Vandiver-Hawthorne Place, and Combs-Enos Park.
After reviewing the steps taken by City legal to formulate new ordinances, Jen Aholt (Lincoln Park) recommended a committee be set up to study current ordinances and provide recommendations that the ICON PAC could support as part of its political platform for the coming municipal elections. A committee of 9 representatives was selected (Higginbotham-Enos Park, Castor-Vinegar Hill, McMinamen-Historic West, Jacobs-Old Aristocracy, Hunter-Iles Park, Poskin-Harvard Park, Adaire-Bunn Park, Schuering-Harrison Park, Combs-Enos Park).
The next ICON meeting will be held Monday, November 29th 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Brethren (Yale & Ash). We will 1) discuss the recommendations from the ordinance review committee regarding problem properties and 2) elect officers to the ICON PAC Steering Committee.