Independent Coalition for Our Neighborhoods

Ward 6 Clean Up Day!

Ward 6 clean up on April 14 – a great day! Ward 6 Alderwoman Kristin DiCenso and her son, NPO Officer Mike Badger, and at least 50 residents throughout Ward 6 turned out and worked hard to pick up litter in their neighborhoods.

Kristin had donuts, coffee, bags, and gloves for everyone.

Harvard Park Neighborhood Watch served lunch at HP Baptist Church, and on Monday, Public Works picked up bags and stuff to complete a productive weekend!

Pride in the Ward! Pride in the neighborhoods!!!

Ward 6 clean up on April 14 – a great day! Ward 6 Alderwoman Kristin DiCenso and her son, NPO Officer Mike Badger, and at least 50 residents throughout Ward 6 turned out and worked hard to pick up litter in their neighborhoods.